LETTER OF EXPECTATION Within the recruiting process of six member positions within the Supervisory Board of SPEEH HIDROELECTRICA S.A.

LETTER OF EXPECTATION Within the recruiting process of six member positions within the Supervisory Board of SPEEH HIDROELECTRICA S.A. (Download)
In conformity with the provisions within the Methodological Norms of application of some provisions from the Govornment Emergency Ordinance no. 109/2011 concerning the corporate governance of public enterprises, approved through the GD no. 722/2016:
       Pursuant to the Letter of Expectation, the Shortlisted candidates draw up a statement of intent.
Such statement of intent makes part of the set of mandatory documents, which the shortlisted candidates are preparing and forwarding for the administrator’s position.

Such statement of Intent shall be sent by the due date of November 18th 2016,  12:00 hours, at the email address office.dgpapse@energie.gov.ro , or at the fax number 0213166574 or at the General Registration Office of the Ministry of Energy, 202E Splaiul Independentei, room 001, district 6, Bucharest (with the mention on the envelope “Statement of Intent in the process of recruiting of six member positions within the Supervisory Board of SPEEH Hidroelectrica SA).