The Ministry of Energy hosted, on February 17, 2016, a meeting with the representatives of the Foreign Embassies in Romania, where it was discussed the elaboration process of the “National Energy Strategy: 2016 – 2030”, targeting 2050 as the latest perspective.
State Secretary Cristian Busu attended the meeting, which was moderated by Mr. Radu Dudau, the coordinator of the elaboration process. Mr. Busu mentioned that the Energy Strategy of Romania will underline the current status of the national energetic system of the country and will also point to the main goals for Romanian energy sector.
At the meeting, the ministry presented the audience the three organizing structures set up for the elaboration of the Energy Strategy: the Executive Council, the Consultative Council and the Project Team, all reuniting specialists from both private and public sectors, the academic environment but also from other ministries. In total, about 200 experts coming from various fields are to be involved in the elaboration process of the strategy.
The coordinator of the project has also presented the audience the subsectors that are to be analised in the document focusing on the current status of the energetic system of Romania, the strategic goals for the strategy, the main objectives to be met during the elaboration process as well as the action plan’ guiding principles. Workshops to discuss each subsector will be organized and be managed by the Executive Council and the Project Team. The working groups, presented during the meeting, will meet in workshops format during February 29 – April 15 and will gather specialists from energy companies, from associations of both producers and consumers, from academia, research institutions, non-governmental organizations and think tanks. Each workshop will report on the debate and the summary will be integrated in a final document to be comprised in the Strategy.
On February 15, the current status of the energetic system analysis was finalized and the document will soon be published on the Ministry of Energy website. The Ministry is also working on a bid round procedure for the aquisition of consultancy services for the realisation of the quantitative analysis needed for the elaboration of the Energy Strategy, which will add to the final document to fall under the responsibility and be assumed by the Ministry of Energy. The main scenarios to be developped through the quantitative analysis were briefly presented during the meeting.
The representatives of Foreign Embassies present at the meeting appreciated the transparent manner that the Ministry of Energy is communicating on the topic of the Energy Strategy. They have saluted the efforts to develop an accessible framework document which will draw the main directions for the sector’s development. This will add to a better information for the potential investors in the field. More, as the document will look on ways to periodically reassess data and scenarios, based on industry and global events, the Energy Strategy will become an important foundational document for all stakeholders.
The set deadline for the Energy Strategy document is September 16, 2016. Following its publication, the document will be submitted for public debate and presented in the Romanian Parliament for debate and assumation.
For any inquiries on the topic of the Energy National Strategy please email and observe the Ministry website.
You can download Mr Dudău’s presentation from HERE
You can download the note of discussion from HERE